Definition of the Information Security Maturity Framework for the Government of Bahrain ‘Thiqa’ (Cyber Trust)

Definition of the Information Security Maturity Framework for the Government of Bahrain ‘Thiqa’ (Cyber Trust)

Thiqa or Cyber Trust programme is a key initiative launched by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain that aims to enhance awareness of the information security and the practices of the government entities in the Kingdom.

The programme is conceptualised and managed by the Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA) and covers all the government entities and agencies within the kingdom.

Sysprove Consulting was the main partner associated with the iGA in developing the framework, policies, and procedures associated with the programme. Sysprove worked closely with the iGA team in identifying good practices and defining the relevant artifacts to support the programme.

The program requirements include an application phase for operations and self-evaluation, followed by an audit by the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) to ensure compliance.

Sysprove’s contribution to the development of the Thiqa programme was recognised by H.E. Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah AlKhalifa the Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Bahrain at the annual security forum.

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