إدارة البيانات الرئيسيّة (MDM)

نظرًا للمصطلحات التقنيّة والتجاريّة المستخدمة في وصف هذه الخدمة واستخدامها العمليّ، تمّ عرض هذه الصفحة بالّلغة الإنجليزيّة، تواصل معنا  إن أردت المزيد من الشرح بالّلغة العربيّة وستكون مساعدتك من دواع سرورنا.


Organisations are reliant on an extensive range of master data which needs to be managed well.  This master data comes from disparate sources and may be scattered across the organisation and its systems.

Our approach to Master Data Management includes the governance of master data from the creation thru to its disposal.

Managing and governing this data is a challenge faced by organisations. Unavailability of a structured MDM strategy can result in not having “one version of the truth”, and instead depending on numerous inconsistent data from various individuals and departments.
We assist organisations to define their MDM strategy and implement the strategy to manage this vital asset of any organisation.

Our Methodology

Assess the current status of the organisation’s MDM capabilities

Analyse requirements

Define the processes for data governance

Develop roadmaps

Develop governance policies to enable the organisation to mature to a higher level of MDM.

Create transition plans

Identify technical solutions

Support the implementation

Our experienced Consultants can assess the current status of the organisation’s MDM capabilities and define the strategies for the organisation to mature to a higher level of MDM.

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