نظرًا للمصطلحات التقنيّة والتجاريّة المستخدمة في وصف هذه الخدمة واستخدامها العمليّ، تمّ عرض هذه الصفحة بالّلغة الإنجليزيّة، تواصل معنا  إن أردت المزيد من الشرح بالّلغة العربيّة وستكون مساعدتك من دواع سرورنا.

Lean concepts have been successfully utilised in manufacturing and other sectors realizing significant efficiencies and focusing on the philosophy of continuous improvement. A lean organization focuses on increasing customer value, the elimination of waste, and optimizing operations.

Lean IT is an extension of lean principles for the development and management of information technology (IT) products and services. Lean IT enables IT organizations to provide their customers with efficient services. Through understanding customer value, the processes that deliver this value, managing performance, eliminating waste and the required attitude and behavior.

By adopting Lean IT, organizations can develop a continuous improvement mindset. Lean IT is complementary to other good practices and frameworks such as ITIL®, COBIT®, and PRINCE2® and PMBOK®.

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