التدقيق على تقنيّة المعلومات

نظرًا للمصطلحات التقنيّة والتجاريّة المستخدمة في وصف هذه الخدمة واستخدامها العمليّ، تمّ عرض هذه الصفحة بالّلغة الإنجليزيّة، تواصل معنا  إن أردت المزيد من الشرح بالّلغة العربيّة وستكون مساعدتك من دواع سرورنا.


With IT Auditing, Sysprove focuses on the IT processes, procedures, responsibilities, resources, in addition to the technology and infrastructure.  We also support the closing of audit findings and perform post audit follow-ups.

Our approach towards the auditing process starts by understanding the context of the organisation, identifying the audit scope, criteria, and creating an audit plan and checklist. A key factor to our IT Audits is ensuring that IT Processes are aligned with business goals and objectives.


Audit Report of findings

Review of findings with stakeholders

Identification of mitigation plans to close findings

Post-audit follow-up

Audit templates for future use (Audit plan, Audit Checklist, Audit Report)

Brief training session on performing audits

Our Consultants are CISA certified and have extensive experience in the field of auditing.

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