تنظيم واستراتيجيّة السحابة الرقميّة

نظرًا للمصطلحات التقنيّة والتجاريّة المستخدمة في وصف هذه الخدمة واستخدامها العمليّ، تمّ عرض هذه الصفحة بالّلغة الإنجليزيّة، تواصل معنا  إن أردت المزيد من الشرح بالّلغة العربيّة وستكون مساعدتك من دواع سرورنا.


While organizations are increasingly adopting cloud technologies, most do not have a coherent strategy to gain benefits of the cloud. The challenges faced include lack of a suitable strategy, technical & management capabilities, cloud security, governance, and comprehension of the legal & compliance requirements.

How we can support you in your cloud journey:

Cloud Readiness Assessment: Review the current context, capabilities, and readiness for cloud, including a Cloud SWOT

Conceptualise and identify the strategies relevant to your organisation’s journey to the cloud

Applications & Systems Portfolio assessment and identification of applicable applications & systems migration to the cloud

Cloud Security: With deep expertise in cyber security architecture, cloud strategy and security, Sysprove’s approach is to identify the risks, necessary controls and define a holistic cloud security architecture to safeguard your organisation in the cloud. This includes meeting the relevant standards and regulatory requirements based on the jurisdiction and domain which you operate in.

Cloud Governance and Compliance: assessment of the regulatory and other compliance requirements to define the appropriate cloud governance and management model to suit your organisation.

Our consultants and partners have extensive experience assisting organizations with cloud strategy and governance.

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