إدارة خدمات تقنيّة المعلومات (ITSM)

نظرًا للمصطلحات التقنيّة والتجاريّة المستخدمة في وصف هذه الخدمة واستخدامها العمليّ، تمّ عرض هذه الصفحة بالّلغة الإنجليزيّة، تواصل معنا  إن أردت المزيد من الشرح بالّلغة العربيّة وستكون مساعدتك من دواع سرورنا.


Provision of efficient IT services is essential to support the operations of an organisation. ITIL® is the globally recognised framework supporting Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) ensuring that organisations follow good practices when delivering their IT services.

Sysprove Consulting has been assisting organisations with ITSM for over 12 years and the experience and lessons learned ensure our customers benefit from ITSM implementations.

The actual value to the organisation is accrued only after implementation of ITSM, hence a key feature of our ITSM consulting service is the extensive support provided to the client to implement ITSM within the organisation.

We can assist your organization with:

Assessment of the current state of the core ITIL® processes utilising CMMI® Capability Maturity Model

ITIL® and ITSM  adoption workshops

Adaption of the ITIL® processes based on the context of the organisation

Compilation of the supporting policies and procedures

Definition of Metrics & KPIs

Evaluation and selection of ITSM tools, and support the implementation of the tools

ITSM post implementation audits

Sysprove complements the ITSM advisory service with supporting organisations to prepare to achieve ISO 20000 certification

Our consultants are certified and have extensive experience in ITSM, ITIL®, IT Governance and Information – Cyber Security Governance

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